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The Woodlands Girls Lacrosse


Girls lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in the country!  It's a sport that requires agility, speed, motivation, stick skills, and a positive mental attitude.  We encourage our parents to work with the coaches to promote these attributes.  Please encourage your child, don't let them give up.  Every child has the ability as long as they have the will.

Please help us by:

-Having your daughter practice at home!  Cradling, wall ball, catching, throwing, left & righty

-Making sure your daughter has enough water for practices and games

-Knowing your daughters limits when it comes to injuries and illness, if she is not feeling well or is injured, we don't want to force her to play

-Not standing on the sidelines with the players and coaches, parents are to sit at the opposite side of the teams sideline

-Refraining from raising your voice at the officials or coaches, this is a competitive recreational youth program, the officials are paid minimally and the coaches are volunteers

-Letting us know if your daughter cannot make a practice or game, this is important because the coaches prepare lineups and practice plans ahead of time, if we are short players for a game, we will either need to forfeit the game or pull players from other teams to help out
Please feel free to email [email protected] any questions.

Thank you parents for your continued support!

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